Red Onions and Black Olives
From the ridiculous to the sublime!
(Quite easy to prepare actually)
 Chicken Breast with Artichokes
 Spaghetti Sauce
A Few of my Favorites...
 A ''must have'' with any good meal...
 Rotini in Horseradish Sauce and Capers
 Bubble and Squeak
 English Pancakes
 Vanilla Ice cream
 Elephant Stew
 Salmon with small red potatoes
''Dishes'' to come...
Food is universal, as is family and conversation.
Conversation is as mandatory with a good is a nice wine.
Otherwise, why bother?
More recipes are on the way...I just have not decided which one's
I would like to post...yet!
(instead of potatoes)
 Kidney Bean Chili
 Roast Beef and Yorkshire ''pud''
(...and two veg)